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gunung rinjani , lombok

Rinjani Summit (3726M)
5 - 8°C from 02:00-08:00AM
Segara Anak Lake (2000M)
Daytime: 14 - 18°C, Night: 11 - 14°C
Sembalun Crater Rim 2 (2639M)
Daytime: 15 - 20°C, Night: 10 - 12°C
Senaru Crater Rim 1 (2641M)
Daytime: 15 - 22°C, Night: 12 - 15°C
Pos 3 Pada Balong - Sembalun (1800M)
Daytime: 20 - 24°C, Night: 15 - 20°C
Pos 2 Tengengean - Sembalun (1500M)
Daytime: 22 - 26°C, Night: 18 - 22°C
Pos 3 Mondokan Lokak - Senaru (2000M)
Daytime: 20 - 24°C, Night: 15 - 20°C
Pos 2 Montong Satas - Senaru (1500M)
Daytime: 22 - 26°C, Night: 18 - 20°C
Overall Condition
From Pos 2 - Pos 3 Sembalun (East)
Mist from 12:00 - 18:00 PM
From Pos 2 - Pos 3 Senaru (North)
Light mist from 12:00 - 18:00 PM
Overall Visibility
100 - 200M
After 2000M - Up
Weather is clear but windy
From Sembalun Crater Rim to 2900M
After 3000M - Up to the Summit

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